Astronomers discover the ‘Gnostic Pleroma’ at the Milky Way’s Galactic core.

2 min readNov 7, 2017


The recent discovery of signatures relating to complex organic molecules close to the milky way’s galactic core was scientifically rather unexpected, but strangely enough, strongly anticipated by mythology!

Our galaxy, The milky way, has an actively feeding black hole at it’s centre. (As most galaxies do. Ours is a modest 4 million solar mass black hole).
The black hole is surrounded by a substantial circum-nuclear disc, and that disc, in turn, is surrounded by a 3,500 light-year starburst ring.
As the supermassive black hole devours the surrounding material, this disc is heated to such extreme temperatures that it emits intense X-rays and UV photons.

Astronomers previously assumed that such regions would be devoid of complex organics, due to the activity of these photons, but scientists using the ALMA observatory have published results clearly showing five types of molecules, including complex organic molecules such as cyanoacetylene (HC3N) and acetonitrile (CH3CN), which are concentrated primarily in the circum-nuclear disc. In addition, carbon monosulfide (CS) and methanol (CH3OH) are distributed in both the starburst ring and the CND.

Such findings appear entirely consistent with the Gnostic Sophia mythos.
‘Gnostics’ stated that at the core of each galaxy is a vortex of super-organic forces, alive and aware, which they called the Pleroma.
They saw the spiral arms of the galaxy as a realm of chaos. The galactic mill wheel, where the residue of previous worlds are continually recycled and reprocessed. The gnostics called this the Kenoma.

Fullness pours out of the Pleroma into the realm of deficiency (Kenoma).

Gnostics talked about Sophia, a goddess of the Pleroma who plunged impetuously, prematurely and in a spectacular surge of divine desire into the realms of chaos; Fixing her dreaming on a world yet to come.
She became separated from the Pleroma and eventually morphed into Gaia (Earth).
Our solar system resides in the ‘backwater’ area of the milky way’s spiral arms. It is only due to Sophia’s headlong descent that the Earth has become an oasis of life’s creative force in an essentially sterile planetary system.

On these unexpected observations, the scientific research team do not yet know how these molecules are able to survive, but have speculated that they are possibly being shielded by the large amounts of gas found there.




Head in the clouds, but really quite practical. Fine art trained, but frequently seduced by the promise of science.