Behind the wall of sleep

2 min readFeb 8, 2018


An international group of researchers at the University of Cambridge are seeking to find out what really happens in the drowsy twilight zone that lies between waking and sleep.

They are striving to find out how a conscious, controlled, waking person can turn into an unaware, dreaming, ‘sleeper.’

This “transition” usually lasts between five and 20 minutes, says Mr Jagannathan, one of the researchers.

But the behaviour within this time can be very different.

For some, going into sleep is a smooth, uninterrupted descent, but others have a more turbulent journey.

Dr Tristan Bekinschtein, head of the laboratory where the neuroscience team is working, describes this period between sleep and waking as the “mists of consciousness”.

“It’s that time when eyes glaze, attention wanders and waking thoughts begin to dissolve.”

This journey through the ‘space between the worlds’ is our daily opportunity; A chance to ‘walk’ through the ‘gates of the silver key’ rather than be carried lulled, unconscious and unaware.

Much like waking up during surgery, we can accidentally come to, as we are being carried along on our merry way. A most frightening affair for the unprepared; It is very startling to discover that we are not alone there, and all we once knew, has taken on a most peculiar air.

Not all travellers are unprepared though.

Vasagupta, in the 10th century yogic scripture ‘Spandakarika,’ recommends the use of breathing exercises to focus and maintain awareness as the traveller moves from waking into the ‘twilight phase’.

The aim of this practice is to achieve continuity of consciousness through sleeping, waking, and the intermediate state.

When this is attained, the practitioner has ascended to the mystical Fourth State — the turiya of the Upanishads.

In this state, whether you are asleep or awake, your mental realm will always remain the same. If you dream you will still remain so clear that you are able to make decisions as if awake.

A Chinese saying runs, ‘Sages have no dreams, and dullards have no dreams’, The sage’s mind is always clear even during the state of sleep.”

Chuang Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, also seemed to be aware of this stage of cultivation, for he wrote:

He does not dream while asleep, does not worry while awake, does not take satisfaction in eating, and his breathing is deep.




Written by Goat777

Head in the clouds, but really quite practical. Fine art trained, but frequently seduced by the promise of science.

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