My kids put me on to Rick and Morty and it’s something we all enjoy together. It’s a fast paced, creative roller-coaster with plenty of ‘close to the bone’, dark humour. Interesting that a lot of it is improv and ad-lib.
I know what you mean about Russel Brand, but i think he’s a reformed narcissist. (If a leopard can ever change its spots) I enjoyed how Brand and Peterson are poles apart politically and yet they found plenty of common ground on an individual basis.
They both seemed really engaging in this discussion. I tend to listen in the car as i haven't got the patience to listen to these sort of things on the computer.
I love how precise Peterson is with his language. But he doesn't seem premeditated. He really appears to be in the moment. Seemingly formulating an answer for the first time, rather than relying on ‘off pat’ stuff.