Our Moon is a sort of counterweight to another sphere.

2 min readNov 7, 2017


‘At the end of the 19th century (over 130 years ago) an astounding revelation was made.
As a result of dissent among members of certain esoteric groups, Information, hitherto guarded jealously by the most enclosed of their inner Orders, was made public.
…In a nutshell, what was made public was the truth that our Moon is a sort of counterweight to another sphere, which remains invisible to ordinary vision. This counterweighted sphere is called in esoteric circles the Eighth Sphere.’

‘Despite it’s name, this region is not itself a sphere, nor is it a moon. Even to locate it behind the physical Moon is not correct. The Eighth Sphere does not pertain to anything we are familiar with on the physical plane with our mineralized senses.
A vacuum is a more appropriate term than sphere, for the Eighth Sphere sucks things into its own shadowy existence.
It acts as a sort of demonic conduit, sucking into it’s maws certain degenerate Spiritual forms on the Earth. It is a shadow Sphere, controlled by shadow beings. The fact that they are shadow beings, however, should not lead us to demote or underestimate their capabilities and intelligence. In many respects they are more intelligent than Man.
The old moon was not originally material, It’s current mineralization is not it’s own. It has been borrowed. It’s materiality is now much denser than that of earth and this mineralization has crippled the old moon forces. It is a true counterweight. Had the Moon remained as it was, its forces would have worked in such a way that its rays would always have evoked the old atavistic clairvoyance in men, and the effects of the Moon upon the will would have made men somnambulists in the most marked form.’

- Moonage daydream




Written by Goat777

Head in the clouds, but really quite practical. Fine art trained, but frequently seduced by the promise of science. https://instagram.com/goat777etc

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