PKD musing about our frequent strong sense of destiny:
“We must do certain things, be certain places at a certain time; Some enormous force impels us (ananke). Evidently an enormously powerful explosion hurled us backward in time. That explosion being represented in our view as lying ahead of us, toward which we are moving. We will eventually all occupy the places we were in just before the explosion occurred. Actually the explosion already took place in the past of the total universe; Its past and our future! For us, it lies at the end of things, toward which they move. But since there are two ‘times’; Opposing fields. As the explosion hurls us farther and farther away, its force — That particular time direction — weakens, and the opposite moving one, which drives us towards the explosion, takes over progressively more. It is as if I hit a ball uphill; It rolls and rolls upward, then a point comes where the force I imparted balances gravity and stasis occurred , then gravity causes it to begin to roll downward again, until finally its back where it began and I hit it once more.
In a sense the universe can be read ‘both ways’, but I think the way (direction) we read it is backward.”
[Exegesis of PKD — Page 88]
“The implication that retrograde time is forward time that has passed the turning point (Passed through infinity so to speak), has formerly been forward time and possesses the accumulation which Bergson speaks of time acquiring, Then as it turns the eye so to speak and starts back, it is freighted with the accumulated load of knowledge/ information which may compromise the wisdom associated with the Logos: All that wisdom was acquired in its forward tracking. It is information rich. Logically then, in its retrograde tracking, it would divest itself of its knowledge: Teach rather than learn, so that when it arrived at the other end it would be information poor, even info empty. Make the swing and begin to acquire once more.”
[Exegesis of PKD — page 89]