The most interesting aspect of this duality is the boundary between the opposites; The place where yin and yang meet.
This is a sliver of magic, sandwiched between the terrifying behemoths of certainty and infinity, order and chaos, good and evil.
This liminal condition can be seen as a third, reconciling force; A spiritualising factor
It is of a different order though, something more akin to an action between two objects. Like the action of life, or the cutting action between bread and the knife.
This is taiji, a reuniting of the opposites. It is a tightrope act; a bridge; a flash of lightening.
To be positioned in this churning storm, where the opposites clash is suffering, for the opposites long to be together yet they also violently repel.
This is a place of friction and tension, but also somewhere where things can be done.