This is it Dharma, for ‘engaging content’ read, addictive as crack!
Just imagine the ‘wealth and power’ of human creative potential that has become shackled to this all consuming merry-go-round. It takes the ‘brightest and best’ from each generation and tasks them with selling crap to the rest of us.
The so called trappings of success are now ubiquitous and ‘obvious’. The purveyors of culture, tradition and history have done a fine job. Everyone knows that the only goal is to get ahead and be a success.
Like in the game of monopoly; the fun eventually dissipates as game turns to process; The process of transferring resources from the poor to the rich. It can’t go any other way!
Once this point is reached the ‘landed’ have to toss out a few crumbs. ‘ Here, i’ll loan you money’; ‘Have Old Kent Road and Whitechapel’, ‘We’ll have another couple of circuits of the board, see how it goes’.
Capitalism is in danger of consuming itself! And then I remember that all this is really only a story; A backdrop to the more important work at hand. The ‘pursuit’ of meaning, love, relationship, playfulness and creativity.