This is the topic of topics! I must say I tend to shy away from ‘beliefs’, although I do like to gather together ideas, stories and themes, and some of these certainly resonate with me, more strongly than others.
I’m not sure whether this has more to do with my temperament than anything to do with the wider veracity of these ideas though.
I get the sense when talking about things like the ‘big bang’ that this is the story of our times and it is ‘true’ for our time. But I also get the feel that ‘reality’ is a more mutable, reflexive process. Something akin to a dream, held fixed in place by our awareness, expectation and observation. As more is searched for and ‘discovered’ along a particular avenue, (our current avenue being science and technology) then more is found. ‘Reality’ strives to be consistent and within the parameters of our expectation, because (like in our regular dreams) the insertion of something too jarring into the narrative will force a rejection; A waking up and an end to the ‘adventure’
I warm to the idea that we (fragments of consciousness) are part of something more fundamental.
I get the feeling that we are not in our natural habitat here. A blend of oil and water brought together by some sort of alchemy, always striving to separate.
Our world sometimes feels like a hall of mirrors where one needs access to ones own internal ‘moral’ compass to navigate.
Then again, I also warm to the idea that the ‘outside’ world and our ‘inner’ world are the same. They reflect back and forth, an infinite feedback loop, constantly creating new data ‘out of thin air’.
Our world and reality here feels more like process and automation.
I think possibly, the reason we are here is to ‘combat’ that. But fighting process and automation on its own terms just brings more process and automation!
If we (humanity) are all somehow linked at a more fundamental level, then conflict with others is a form of self loathing. None of us are perfect (possibly why we are here) and we can see a perfect mirroring of our internal battles, (the battles between the life affirming and life denying.) out there in the strife, compassion, war and kindness of our world.